Figma, Adobe Illustrator

UI / UX Design Case Study

The municipal website for Rochester, NY is over eleven years old and is in need of a redesign that will better engage, connect, and inform constituents.


My goal is to create a website that is friendly and welcoming to newcomers and long time residents. I want to emphasize what Rochester has to offer.

I want to make a website that is unique, yet stays along the lines within Rochester's identity.

I will do this by:

  • Increasing and stressing the importance of the search bar more because of the overwhelming amount of information, people want to quickly and find specifically what they need or want at the time.

  • Establishing a brand that is familiar to the town of Rochester and creating a homepage where a resident can feel pride going to.

  • Organizing the information in a way that is legible for the average resident, someone who is middle-aged.

My goal will be focused on creating a user flow catered towards those who wish to visit Rochester's nature parks.


  • Encourage residents and visitors to explore what Rochester has to offer and appreciate the beautiful weather we have for a few months

  • To increase attraction to local parks

  • Inform residents and visitors that there are parks in the city to enjoy


First, I need to define the problems by taking a look at the current Rochester website.

  • There is an overwhelming amount of information shown on the front page - this causes the user to be confused on where to find the information they are looking for

  • The colors are old fashioned and hard to read - too many colors is too distracting and causes confusion and overwhelm

  • There is no visual hierarchy: everything is thrown at you all at once
    Information is repeated in different categories - this makes it harder to find what you are looking for and difficult to differentiate between categories, leads to more confusion

  • Too many suggestions to other pages are shown when a link is clicked. It confuses and overwhelms the user because there are too many items grabbing attention

  • The parks are listed in a huge bullet pointed list

  • This causes the user to not want to use the website because no design thought was given into the layout and functionality of the website

  • The "May We Suggest" section uses the same font size, color, and weight

  • What is the user supposed to look at first?

  • The parks are listed in a huge bullet pointed list

  • This causes the user to not want to use the website because no design thought was given into the layout and functionality of the website

  • The "May We Suggest" section uses the same font size, color, and weight

  • What is the user supposed to look at first?

  • There is no stylization

  • No character or uniqueness to this page that tells it is Rochester

  • It’s not very visual, no spacing or breaks between each topic and block of text

  • There’s technically no point to this page

  • This gives me the same information as Google would, but in a more confusing manner


Then, I tested real users to figure out the core problems of the website.

I interviewed a current Rochester resident looking for a job. At first look, he was impressed with the way the content was straightforward and the way all the content was there easy to find. He explained that it was a good thing all the information way laid out like that on the front page because old people have a hard time figuring out what a hamburger is or know that when you click something it expands.
Things I noticed when he went through the website:

  • He ended up using the search bar at the top because there was a lot of content on the front page to go through

  • He said the colors looked fun and it looked generally not bad for a government website compared to others he had seen

  • Job posting at first caught his eye, but when he clicked on it the first option that comes up is a counselor or teacher in which he doesn’t have the credentials for and is not looking for those type of jobs – doesn’t seem too marketing

  • He really didn’t go into it having high expectations

  • I noticed he said everything looked easy to look at first, but continued to have a hard time even using the search bar because it did not give accurate results

I interviewed an RIT student studying design. As being a designer and already having the knowledge for visual hierarchy and design, she was not in favor of the design of the website at all. It is hard to navigate, the color contrast is hard to read, everything is split into categories that are confusing on the home page.

  • She was overwhelmed by all the elements on the home screen

  • The search bar was massive

  • Frustrated she couldn’t click on the carousel images

  • Everything just looked outdated


Well, what do the others look like?

City of Boston

What I find on this website is the consistency and colors that really show the branding and cleanliness of the design. The front page is immediately welcoming and each element when it comes to an icon or text has a purpose. I especially like the fact that it tells you the date as well.

However, there is so much information to look at just by looking at the front page, there’s an open navigation at the top as well as a hamburger. It confuses me because it makes me think there is hidden information apart from all the stuff that’s thrown at me in the beginning.

Rio De Janeiro

This site, in my opinion, has promise. It gets straight to the point of throwing what you need at your face so people don’t have to scroll down, it uses a familiar and corporate color scheme that is consistent throughout, and throws in a fun couple of graphics and pictures of the city, so people can really feel at home.

City of Denver

I really like how the site is laid out, the information is not too overwhelming and the search bar at the top really helps me to try and immediately find what I’m looking for or gives me suggestions on what I should be looking for. What I like about this is the way that most things needed to be seen by a city website is all at the top.

I conclude that these websites look the same. What makes these websites unique to their city?


How can I make this useful and unique?

  • There is no point to the current park website, the information and location can be easily googled

    I want to:

  • Create a personal connection between the user and the website

  • Prioritize finding the park, park information, and hours before one goes to visit it

  • Display the info in a way that makes the park look and sound interesting, including a photo gallery


My design process through sketches, wireframes, to designs and iterations.


Starting off with terrible sketches, I begin to layout the foundations.

This includes ideas for content and creating assets for the homepage information that makes it clear and easy to understand.

Then, I head to making it a bit neater with lo-fi wireframes.

Homepage on the left:

  • Basic layout of information

  • Includes calendar, events, news, contact and link info on the footer, and navigation bar

Parks page on the right:

  • Parks labelled on top

  • Park names and descriptions with pictures cascading downward

After that, I narrow my ideas down a little more into hi-fi wireframes.


  • Hero page with search bar and quick links

  • Upcoming events

  • News

I added different ways to get to departments and services through the hero page and just below it. Then came the upcoming events and city news. This was to show people the options they have when they first go to the homepage, prioritizing the needs for the city residents and events and news as secondary, so they can be updated with current information.

Parks Pages:

  • Small map on left

  • Search bar for zip code

  • Park suggestions surrounding area

  • Pop-up to show rules and regulations

This is basic information on how to get to the park as well as the background and description. This is important to include to influence a user to use the parks through visuals, making it easier to make decisions

Departments pages:

  • List of all the departments all in one list

This was not the best solution - almost back to the how the original site was, being all the same and confusing


After establishing content, I went and tested styles through above the folds.

Testing the Rochester City design with their blue

  • Catered towards new visitors to welcome them to the website with a brief overview

  • Hero banner with blue overlay, using photos taken from Rochester, decorated in the corner with their logo offset for a balance to the information on the left

Testing the Rochester City design with adding colors

  • Adding a new way with the branding by creating fine curly lines that make up their logo

  • Information is in columns with clear typographical hierarchy, spaced a lot below the hero banner

Testing the Rochester City design with dynamic and asymmetrical patterns

Many of these solutions could have worked with refinement and iterations. So, why did I not go with any of them?

Heading back to my project goals, I want to make a website that emphasizes a unique way to lead a user throughout the main events and news to seeing what the nature of Rochester has to offer.

This moodboard conveys the idea of the coldness of Rochester, pairing a serif font with sans-serif. This is to give it an old-fashioned and refined look, conveying a more calm aesthetic.


After finishing the wireframing and testing styles above the folds, I iterate and refine.

Narrowing down to the final solution, this consists of many iterations, but the ones I have listed were important to adding to the final solution.

Iteration 1: Floral and delicate.

The search bar is an important feature for the homepage because it contains all the information you can find with just typing in key words. The homepage's top half of the page is what the user sees first and where they get their first impressions from. Creating a delicate and gentle design of a floral pattern of Rochester's logo conveys that this is the town of Rochester, known as the "Flower City" and invokes a state of mind that Rochester adds beauty to both their long winters and blossoming springs.

The bottom half of the screen presents us with news and explore information, emphasizing the tourism feature of the city. It is important that a resident of Rochester is aware of activities and events going on in their city and know what resources are available to them.

The bottom footer part of the screen is important in this as well, yet unrefined and unaligned. The fade from the bottom adds contrast and transition from the top, showing the user they are close to the bottom of the homepage.

Iteration 1: Getting into the user's flow of Genesee Valley Park Page

This page is decorated with real photos of the park, showing the user the beautiful nature and what they could potentially explore. A short overview before getting into more information sets the tone of what the user is to expect from the park page.

Activities and amenities are important because it shows what the park has to offer and promotes community engagement. A photo gallery at the bottom can give the user a better feel of what they could potentially visit.

Many iterations were thought out into this project, though most are little discrepancies and minor changes.

Iteration 2: Narrowing down my solution

The same layout at iteration 1, I added small designs that add personality to the website, as well as the Rochester city silhouette for better recognizability.

Not much changes during this process, the head and footer changed to a less complicated shape for less distraction while trying to view content.


The final design, though similar to the last iteration, includes small quality updates to make the process of navigating the website faster.

The homepage: Elegant, floral, and delicate.

The search bar:

  • includes popular recommendations for those who usually visit the site

  • Question prompt that let's the user know that the user can search anything up

The top banner:

  • Symmetrical design to balance the flowers and city design, giving it a more friendly and inviting look for visitors

  • A short description of Rochester to define what the city is about

  • A navigation bar using Rochester. NY as the named location in addition to it's other name, Flower City.

The news section:

  • Left to right visual hierarchy because people read from left to right

The explore section:

  • This was an important part of the design to promote exploration of Rochester

  • Beautiful pictures and descriptive captions entice the user to discover more about the area

The events section:

  • Current events going on in Rochester enhances community engagement and connection

The explore hover state.

Hovering over the image reveals a description of the park, so the user can both appreciate the picture with initial interest, then persuades the viewer to click on the page.

The footer.

Complementing the top of the page with a circle, the bottom copies the style, though lacks the illustrations for less distraction because this is the last thing that people will see on the website.

This contains general information and suggestions for the user in case they couldn't find what they needed going throughout the page.

Getting to the parks page.


  • a banner of Highland Park to show the bright and pretty nature Rochester has to offer

  • Subtle decorations to emphasize "Park" for the eye to follow easier

  • Filters in combination with Google Maps to accurately find parks near you

Popular parks:

  • A list of parks around that are well-known if the user has no idea which park to visit.

The user decides to go check out Genesee Valley Park.

The top is a general overview. It displays a map and photos of the park second after the overview reminding the user where they are.

  • Activities and amenities to show what is available to do

  • Underlined activities to learn more

  • Photo gallery of pictures taken of the park

Park page interactions: Filtering

  • Filter by categories

  • Filter within destination area

  • Filter to see certain parks

  • As an important part of my project, the problem I was focusing on related to trying to find parks easily and finally getting to the Genesee Valley Park Page.

Filtering allows for quicker access to tailored parks for each user.


Creating this design was a challenge to make something delicate as well as keeping the Rochester theme of a bold and small city.

The entire city of Rochester is a very diverse place, ranging from city, to nature parks, to suburbs. I wanted to embrace that diversity and provide a way to make the user feel like they were viewing a historical and flowery town.

My idea was to create something that looked completely different from other government websites, yet had the same functionalities and was useful to visitors, incoming residents, and current residents. This look and feel is something that I wanted Rochester to be represented as, with the plethora of historical buildings and museums.

My final design is both representative of my own design aesthetic, as well as the constraints of using the same Rochester blue used in the logo, and expanding upon that theme throughout the entire website.

What did I learn from this project?

Looking and comparing my website to my classmates, I feel that I did not go outside the boundaries or expanded upon the current uses of the website to make it look more artistical and including extra functions that would be interesting to the user. I kept my information minimal, focusing a lot on hierarchy and visual aesthetic.

I had to do a lot of iterations for my design to actually work and be helpful to a user, rather than confusing and redundant. Many of my elements originally were not the greatest as being there. so many things were removed during the process of user testing.

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